What to Expect from Restaurant Cleaning Services Cost

Understanding the costs associated with restaurant cleaning services is vital for maintaining a pristine and inviting eating environment. Costs can vary greatly depending on several factors, including the size of your space, the frequency of cleaning, and the specific services required. Typically, pricing could range from $50 to $150 per hour for deep cleaning, while regular maintenance services might cost less.

Cleanliness in a restaurant goes beyond mere aesthetics; it directly impacts customer health and satisfaction, shaping their overall dining experience. A well-maintained restaurant not only meets health standards but also enhances your brand’s reputation, encouraging repeat business. Considering the complexities of keeping a restaurant spotless—from the dining area and kitchen to restrooms and outdoor spaces—professional cleaning services become not just a necessity, but an integral part of operational success.

Detailed infographic showing average costs of various restaurant cleaning services, highlighting how factors like frequency of service and type of cleaning affect overall prices - restaurant cleaning services cost infographic pillar-4-steps

Understanding Restaurant Cleaning Services Cost

When it comes to maintaining a restaurant’s cleanliness, understanding the cost of professional cleaning services is crucial. Here, we’ll break down the various pricing models, including hourly rates, per square foot charges, and flat fees, to help you make an informed decision.

Pricing Models

There are three main pricing models used by cleaning services:

  1. Hourly Rates: Cleaning companies often charge an hourly rate, especially for smaller or less predictable jobs. This rate can vary significantly depending on the region, the complexity of the tasks, and the level of expertise required. As of 2023, you can expect hourly rates to range between $50 and $150.
  2. Per Square Foot: This model is commonly used for larger spaces, providing a straightforward calculation based on the total area cleaned. It simplifies budgeting for regular cleaning services and can be more cost-effective for extensive areas.
  3. Flat Fees: Some services offer a flat rate for specific cleaning tasks or packages, such as deep cleaning or kitchen cleaning. This fee is agreed upon beforehand, providing clarity and predictability in budgeting.

Hourly Rates

Hourly rates are beneficial if your cleaning needs are variable or if you require specialized services that might not take a lot of time. It allows for flexibility but can become costly if the cleaning takes longer than anticipated.

Per Square Foot

Charging per square foot is particularly advantageous for regular cleaning of large dining areas or expansive kitchens. It ensures that all areas are covered and can be more economical for consistent cleaning needs.

Flat Fees

Opting for a flat fee is ideal when you know exactly what cleaning services you need, and you prefer a one-time or occasional deep clean. This model can also work well for event clean-ups or end-of-tenancy cleaning, where the requirements are clear and finite.

By understanding these pricing models, you can better align the cleaning services with your restaurant’s specific needs and budget constraints. The goal is not just to find the cheapest service but to balance cost with quality to maintain a pristine dining environment for your customers. Next, we’ll explore the factors that influence these costs, such as location and frequency of service.

Factors Influencing Cleaning Costs

When it comes to restaurant cleaning services cost, several factors can significantly impact the final price you pay. Understanding these can help you budget more effectively and choose the right service for your needs.


The geographic location of your restaurant plays a crucial role in determining cleaning costs. For instance, cleaning services in urban or high-cost-of-living areas like New York City or San Francisco tend to be more expensive compared to rural areas. This variation is due to differences in the cost of living, labor costs, and even the availability of cleaning services.

Size of Restaurant

The size of your restaurant directly affects cleaning costs because larger spaces require more time, labor, and materials to clean. For example, a small cafe might cost significantly less to clean than a large, multi-story restaurant. Cleaning services often charge by the square foot for this reason, making it easier to estimate costs based on the area to be cleaned.

Frequency of Service

How often you need cleaning services will also impact your costs. More frequent cleaning, such as daily or multiple times a week, might offer a lower rate per service compared to less frequent cleaning schedules. This is because regular clients often receive discounts and because the overall maintenance of cleanliness is easier to manage when the service is frequent, reducing the time and effort needed in each session.

Type of Cleaning

The specific type of cleaning required can also vary the cost. Regular cleaning tasks like sweeping, mopping, and sanitizing surfaces are generally less expensive than specialized services such as deep cleaning, steam cleaning carpets, or cleaning kitchen hoods. Specialized cleaning often requires additional expertise, equipment, and time, which can increase the price.

Cleaning Tools and Equipment - restaurant cleaning services cost

By considering these factors, you can better understand the quotes you receive from cleaning services and make informed decisions about how to manage the cleaning of your restaurant effectively. Next, we’ll look into the various types of services offered and how they cater to different cleaning needs.

Types of Restaurant Cleaning Services

When managing a restaurant, understanding the different types of cleaning services available is crucial for maintaining a safe, hygienic, and welcoming environment. Here’s a breakdown of the primary services you might consider:

Daily Cleaning

Daily cleaning services are the backbone of restaurant cleanliness. They ensure that your dining areas, kitchens, and restrooms are consistently clean and ready for customers. This type of service typically includes:

  • Sweeping and mopping floors
  • Wiping down tables and chairs
  • Cleaning and sanitizing restrooms
  • Emptying trash bins

These tasks are performed frequently to maintain a basic level of cleanliness and hygiene.

Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning goes beyond the surface level, targeting areas that aren’t covered in daily routines. It’s recommended to schedule deep cleaning services periodically to handle the tougher grime that builds up over time. Deep cleaning may include:

  • Cleaning behind kitchen appliances and under sinks
  • Detailed cleaning of the ventilation hoods
  • Washing walls and ceilings
  • Shampooing carpets
  • Polishing furniture

Deep cleaning is essential as it helps in maintaining the longevity of your restaurant’s interiors and equipment, ensuring that every corner is hygienic.

Specialized Services

Specialized cleaning services are tailored to specific needs that require particular expertise or equipment. Examples of specialized services include:

  • Grease trap cleaning
  • Hood vent cleaning
  • Sanitizing high-touch areas
  • Pest control and extermination
  • COVID-19 disinfection services

These services are crucial for meeting health regulations and ensuring a safe dining experience for both customers and staff.

By utilizing these varied types of cleaning services, restaurant owners can ensure that their establishments are not only visually appealing but also meet health standards. This approach not only enhances the customer experience but also helps in extending the lifespan of the restaurant’s assets. Next, we will explore the typical costs associated with these services and how they vary depending on the cleaning depth and frequency.

Average Costs of Restaurant Cleaning Services

When considering restaurant cleaning services cost, it’s important to understand the range of services and their associated costs. Here, we break down the costs into four main categories: light cleaning, heavy cleaning, kitchen cleaning, and full-service cleaning.

Light Cleaning

Light cleaning services generally include tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, and basic bathroom maintenance. This type of service is best suited for daily upkeep to maintain a clean appearance and hygienic environment. The average cost for light cleaning is around $40 per hour. This option is cost-effective for regular maintenance and helps in keeping the restaurant tidy between more intensive cleaning sessions.

Heavy Cleaning

Heavy cleaning involves more detailed work, such as deep cleaning floors, washing windows, and thorough cleaning of dining areas. This type of cleaning is usually required on a less frequent basis than light cleaning but is crucial for maintaining a high standard of cleanliness. The cost for heavy cleaning can range from $50 to $100 per hour, depending on the complexity and the time required to complete the task.

Kitchen Cleaning

Kitchen cleaning is critical, given the strict health and safety standards that restaurants must adhere to. This service typically includes degreasing, cleaning of all surfaces, sanitizing equipment, and can also involve specific tasks like cleaning hoods and ventilation systems. Due to the specialized nature and importance of these tasks, kitchen cleaning is priced at a higher rate, usually between $100 and $150 per hour.

Full-Service Cleaning

Full-service cleaning covers all aspects of the restaurant – from the dining area and kitchen to the bathrooms and outdoor spaces. This comprehensive service ensures that every corner of the establishment meets the highest cleanliness standards. The cost for full-service cleaning can vary significantly but generally starts at around $150 per hour. It provides a complete solution for restaurant owners looking to maintain impeccable cleanliness and hygiene throughout their venue.

These costs reflect the labor, expertise, and sometimes the specialized equipment required to perform these tasks effectively. By understanding these costs, restaurant owners can better budget for the cleaning services that meet their specific needs, ensuring their establishment remains clean, appealing, and compliant with health regulations. Next, we will discuss how to choose the right restaurant cleaning service to get the best value and results for your investment.

How to Choose a Restaurant Cleaning Service

Choosing the right cleaning service for your restaurant is crucial. It impacts not just the cleanliness but also the safety and reputation of your establishment. Here are key factors to consider:


Look for certified cleaners. A reputable service should have certifications such as IICRC (Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification). This shows they adhere to industry standards.


Experience matters. Services with experience in restaurant cleaning are likely to handle the unique challenges of cleaning commercial kitchens and dining areas effectively. Ask how long they’ve been in the business and about their specific experience with restaurants similar to yours.

Customized Services

Every restaurant is unique. Choose a cleaning service that offers customized cleaning plans. Whether you need daily light cleaning or a monthly deep clean, they should be able to tailor their services to your specific needs. This customization can often lead to more efficient and cost-effective cleaning.

Client Testimonials

Hear it from their clients. Check reviews and testimonials from other restaurant owners. This real-world feedback can provide insights into the reliability and effectiveness of the cleaning service. Platforms that offer ratings and reviews can be particularly helpful in making an informed decision.

By considering these factors, you can select a cleaning service that not only meets your specific needs but also enhances the overall operation of your restaurant. Next, we will explore some frequently asked questions about restaurant cleaning services to help clarify common concerns and expectations.

Frequently Asked Questions about Restaurant Cleaning Services

How often should a restaurant be professionally cleaned?

The frequency of professional cleaning for a restaurant depends on several factors including the volume of traffic, the type of food served, and local health regulations. Generally, daily cleaning is recommended to maintain a basic level of hygiene. For more intensive cleaning, such as deep cleaning of kitchens and dining areas, monthly or quarterly sessions might be necessary. High-traffic or high-grease environments could require more frequent deep cleaning to comply with health standards and ensure customer satisfaction.

What is included in a standard restaurant cleaning service?

A standard restaurant cleaning service typically covers the following areas:

  • Dining Areas: Cleaning and sanitizing tables, chairs, and fixtures. Vacuuming or sweeping floors, and mopping where necessary.
  • Kitchen: Degreasing cooking surfaces, cleaning appliances, and sanitizing countertops.
  • Restrooms: Sanitizing fixtures, floors, and walls. Replenishing consumables like soap and paper products.
  • Entryways and Reception Areas: General tidying, cleaning door handles, and windows to ensure a welcoming environment.

Additional services can include carpet cleaning, window cleaning, and specialized disinfection services, particularly in response to health concerns like COVID-19.

How can restaurants reduce their cleaning service costs?

To reduce restaurant cleaning services cost, consider the following strategies:

  1. Regular Maintenance: Encourage staff to maintain cleanliness throughout their shift. This reduces the workload for cleaning crews, potentially decreasing the time and frequency needed for professional services.
  2. Bundle Services: Some cleaning companies offer discounts if you bundle various services together, such as window cleaning, carpet cleaning, and general janitorial work.
  3. Negotiate Contracts: If you commit to a long-term relationship with a cleaning service, you might be able to negotiate a more favorable rate.
  4. Customize Cleaning Needs: Tailor the cleaning services to the specific needs of your restaurant. Avoid paying for unnecessary services and focus on areas that need the most attention.

By understanding these aspects, restaurant owners can better plan and budget for cleaning services, ensuring their establishments remain pristine and inviting to customers. Next, we will summarize the key points and reiterate the importance of selecting the right cleaning service to enhance the operational efficiency and customer appeal of your restaurant.


In this guide, we’ve explored the various aspects of restaurant cleaning services cost, helping you understand how different factors like location, size, and cleaning frequency can affect pricing. We’ve discussed different pricing models, from hourly rates to flat fees, and highlighted the types of cleaning services available, from daily maintenance to deep cleaning and specialized services.

Choosing the right cleaning service is crucial for maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of your restaurant, which directly impacts customer satisfaction and your business’s reputation. A clean restaurant not only complies with health regulations but also enhances the dining experience, encouraging repeat business.

At AIM Commercial Cleaning Services, we understand the unique challenges and requirements of restaurant cleaning. Our team is dedicated to providing top-notch cleaning solutions that meet your specific needs. We offer a range of services, from general dining area cleaning to intensive kitchen deep cleans, all tailored to ensure your restaurant remains a pristine environment for your staff and guests.

We encourage you to explore our restaurant cleaning services and see how we can help you maintain the highest standards of cleanliness. Choosing AIM Commercial Cleaning Services means opting for reliability, quality, and a partner who cares about the success and cleanliness of your business.

The right cleaning service does more than just clean; it contributes to the overall success and longevity of your restaurant. Make the choice that best suits your needs, and let us help you keep your establishment immaculate and welcoming.


Cost Guide 2024: What to Expect from Restaurant Cleaning Services

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